The Amazing Gili Meno

Gili Meno is the smallest of the three islands and by far the most peaceful and under developed. It’s possible to walk around the island along the beach or paths of Gili Meno in under two hours.
Most visitors are attracted to Gili Meno for the lure of total escapism and it is therefore very popular with honeymooning couples and adventurous castaway types.
The dining scene is predominantly local cafes with grilled fish on the beach .
Lazing around in a hammock, reading books and playing chess with the friendly locals  also ranks very highly on the daily Meno agenda.
 For divers and snorkelers, the island boasts the infamous ‘Gili Meno Wall‘ where during the day turtles freely swim by and giant gorgonian fans hang amongst the colourful corals. At night divers can witness huge Moray Eels and the entertaining Spanish Dancers, baby cuttlefish and a whole array of crustaceans.

Most visitors arrive via Gili Trawangan then jump on a connecting island hopper boat for the fifteen minute trip over the channel.
Boats depart from Gili Trawangan at 9.30am and 4.00pm daily ( IDR 23,000) and from Gili Air at 8.30am and 3.00pm (a twenty minute ride, Cost is IDR 25,000).

Visitors from mainland Lombok leave from Bangsal harbour in public boats for the twenty-five minute crossing (IDR 25,000). Purchase tickets only from the concrete Koperasi Karya Bahari building and not from the touts that line the roads into Bangsal.
There are no set timings for the crossing from Lombok to Gili Meno, it’s up to the captain once the boat is full but it is possible to charter your own public boat for a fixed price of IDR 190,000 or buy up remaining available tickets for a speedier departure.

Snorkeling equipment can be hired from any of the local operators. Swimming is perfectly safe in the calm waters here but don’t venture too far out from the shoreline.

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